The Roosevelt Studio performed with great energy and enthusiasm at the Helen O'Grady Productions! This composite class is made up of kids between the ages of 6 to 13 years of age; however the wide age gap was not a problem for this talented group. They embraced the class dynamics and were definitely successful at performing the very challenging roles of Pirates and Sailors. Credit must go to the Pirate Captain: Mashudu Tshiredo for her dedication to the role!!! She always knew her lines and transformed into her role with ease.
This group worked well as a team and we could all trust Tshego Etsane to remember the lines if we forgot!
Sailors: Amo Shenxane, Muhammed Wadee and Sashin Gounden Being scolded by the Pirate Captain: Mashudu Tshiredo.
The costumes looked absolutely fantastic thanks to costume designer Glenda Holbrook!!!
From Left: Tshepo Bothomane, Sinnita Gounden, Binaca Parbhoo, Erin Sweeney, Tshego Etsane and Miche Jagjiban working hard on the ship!!!
From Right: Makayra Rajoo, Samera Moodley, Kelly Oldham, Cayleigh Jacobs and Shannon were dressed like real Pirate Girls.
The Pirate Girls obeying the Captains orders!
Miche Jagjiban (on left) played Bosun, the Captains most loyal subject.
Fabulous blog, Kerry!!